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Meet the new dive instructors in LLV Divers!

In this issue, I would like to introduce you to the instructors who are leading the LLV Divers!

Conan (photo center)

A jovial Irish-born dive shop boss covered in full-body tattoos. He is the manager Conan .

Jessica (photoleft).

She’s a rare Filipino female diving instructor in Puerto Galera! She is very diligent and supportive of the divers.

Ken Kurihara (photo right)

He is a dedicated Japanese instructor who knows the waters of Puerto Galera well. Safe diving is his motto, He has a diving style that Japanese likes and can cater to the needs of divers.


“I want to entertain Japanese people in Puerto Galera!”. He started DEPG (Diving & English in Puerto Galera), a hotel stay service that combines diving and English lessons in the Philippines.

He offer a fun dive plus course and a license course taught by experienced Japanese instructors. The English conversation lessons for japanese are completely one-on-one and can proceed at your own pace. As well as helping you during your stay, we can also help guide you to activities and restaurants such as beaches and mountain streams.

He is also a member of the Japanese staff at La Laguna Villa and a Dive Master Trainee.

La Laguna Villas in Sabang Beach is a member of this group that is dedicated to helping you enjoy your best diving experience. Please consult with us about your wishes, requests, and concerns!

See more articles in English



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