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“Pizza stop” is a new Italian restaurant in the Puerto Galera Tabinay area!

Pizza stop is an Italian restaurant that has been making a splash in Puerto Galera lately!

Where’s the restaurant?

The location will be in the Tabinay area. From the town of Puerto Galera (Port of Murrier area), it’s a 5-minute ride by tricycle towards Calapan, or a 15-minute walk.

I regretted going there on foot even though it was very hot on this day… Tricycle is the way to go!

The landmark is the “Answer Hotel“. There is a pizza stop on the ground floor of the hotel.

A view of the restaurant

A clean and well-kept entrance. You’ll see the red sign!
It’s airy and comfortable! This is an open terrace with a great atmosphere. Outside is a smoking area.
A view of the clean shop.
In the back is a cool and comfortable air-conditioned room with free Wi-fi.
The menu for the day was seafood pasta, carbonara, and bacon pizza.

View TripAdvisor reviews.


It’s delicious and surprisingly more reasonable than the hotel atmosphere! I would like to repeat this restaurant.

The Bar & Restaurant Barista’s, which is adjacent to the hotel building, is also a concern. This was an introduction to a popular Italian restaurant in Puerto Galera!

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