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Take a walk from Sabang Beach to the relaxing Big la laguna! It’s only 30 minutes.

If you want to enjoy a quiet and relaxing beach nearby, this is the place! The walk to Big La Laguna is a slow 30-minute walk from the harbor at Saban Beach.

It’s a straight line of walking through town and along the beach. It’s also just a nice walk from the hotel!

A walk from the port of Saban Beach to Biggler Laguna

Time required

About 30 minutes from the port of Sabang Beach.

A view of a walk

You can go snorkeling, get a tan, and have a beer at Bigura Laguna! You can enjoy the sea in a different atmosphere from Sabang Beach.

Just one headland over from Sabang Beach is Small La Laguna. From there, one more cape beyond the headland is Big La Laguna.


Photo from Small La Laguna looking at the cape. It’s not a dead end, it’s a staircase and you can walk to the other side!

「RED SUN」というホテル・リゾートの前を過ぎて、岬の階段の手前。

Past the RED SUN hotel and resort, just before the cape steps.


Climb the slightly steep stairs.


At the end of the stairs.


Now it’s down! Be careful at dusk when it’s dark underfoot.


Go down the stairs and follow the road to the left.


The sea is coming into view!


We arrived at Bigura Laguna, where there are few high waves and the sound of the waves is pleasant.


Unlike the front of the dive shop in Sabang, the beach is fine and sandy.


There are not many people and you can enjoy snorkeling until the evening.


Snorkeling masks, fins, boots and life jackets are also available for rent. Each item can be rented for about 100 to 150 pesos.


Biggler Laguna has hotels and restaurants. There are also several resort hotels with dive shops in the area. This is the Chinese Driving Park Resort.


This is La Laguna Beach Club & Dive Centrer.


A restaurant called KAYE EN EM is located in front of Big Laguna. You can enjoy a variety of drinks, including Filipino food, at reasonable prices.

ビーチの奥の方にある、Safe to Stopというレストラン。普通のローカルレストランに見えますが、手頃な金額でピザも注文できちゃいます。

A restaurant called Safe to Stop is located at the end of the beach. You can also order a pizza for a reasonable price.

Take a short break from the hustle and bustle of Sabang Beach and take a stroll in Big La Laguna, where you can relax.

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