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Standard souvenir misangas and bracelets. Puerto Galera has souvenirs like this one!

There are so many misanga bracelets in Puerto Galera that it makes my eyes tingle. This item was carefully knitted by a Mangyan woman. You can even have your own original design made for you.

Where can I buy it?

They are sold in many places in Muelle Harbor, White Beach and Sabang Beach, so you won’t have any trouble finding a place to buy them! At Muelle, just off the bunker boat, you’ll find a row of stalls. In White Beach, there are many shops along the beach. In Sabang Beach, there are many souvenir shops in the alleyway lined with go-go bars, so you can go there!

How much can you buy it for?

I think you can buy one if you have 50 pesos. Sometimes they’ll even make it with your name on it!

There are so many bracelets that you could say it’s a store display.

There are also many types, such as power stone style.

This is the type with a plate.

Many of you may have seen the Mangyan women selling them in Sabang Beach/White Beach. If you ask an auntie, she will make you an extra 100 pesos with your name on it.

It’s a great souvenir of your trip!

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