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This is a scorpionfish wobbling around. And a blue pygmy seahorses at a depth of 15 meters! Puerto Galera’s diving Log in Fantasy Reef on May 2015.

In Puerto Galera, the weather continues to make you want to get into the crisp, crisp waters. The water temperature is getting warmer! I thought to myself, but sometimes there is cold water in the mix. Today we did a fun dive with a guest who had never seen a pygmy seahorses before. Do you think he’s here?

Diving Point:Fantasy Reef
Weather: Sunny
Water temperature: 25 to 28°C
Flow: A little.
Visibility: 12m
Maximum depth: 20m

Dive location


Fantasy Reef’s briefing map.
You can see the cute little spotted garden eel peeking out of the sand!
A whitish but name is yellowish nudibranch.
This is a red goby that stands out in the sand.
I thought it might be the Rolland Damsel I introduced the other day, but it’s not?? I didn’t get a good shot of head…
When you find a cute figure, you can’t help but chase after the juvenile butterfly fish and young fish.
Leaf scorpionfish wobbling and swaying.
There’s a pygmy seahorses! But he didn’t come easily to the front…
And today’s lunch was AB Wonder Dive’s special spring rolls! Recommended for women with just the right volume.
See more articles in English




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