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Summary of the Puerto Galera’s GCQ guidelines on 17 May.

On May 15, the Philippine government released the guidelines for the prevention of new coronavirus infection at home. Although there have been national announcements, individual guidelines are beginning to be released in each municipality.

In Manila and Cebu, a stay-at-home in line with a strict ECQ was announced until the end of May. However, in individual areas such as Lapu-Lapu City in Cebu, easing from high risk ECQ to medium risk GCQ seems to have started since around 17th.

In this issue, we would like to inform you about the guidelines released by the City of Puerto Galera on the 17th. Only the contents of ordinary people’s lives are introduced. Click here to read all the original.

Face Mask and Physical Distanclng when going out

Basically, you are on standby at home. Masks and social distance are mandatory for those who go out when they need to.

As far as masks are concerned, you are required to use surgical masks, medical masks, N95 masks, and washable masks. Also, “any cloth that can cover the nose, mouth or chin shall be considered an equivalent face mask.” It reads.

In terms of social distance, it states that you should maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter. ( it’s not 2 meters in PG?)

All persons are mandated to exercise strict physical distancing of at least one (1) meter from other persons during the State of Public Health Emergency or while the threat on people’s health is still persisting.

引用元: https://www.facebook.com/puertogaleragov/posts/846533022424982

Those who fail to comply with this ordinance are subject to fines and penalties.

The first time is a penalty of 300 pesos, and must also attend at least three hours of a new coronavirus prevention and health awareness campaign. Then with a penalty of 500 pesos for the second time and 1,000 pesos for the third time.

On moving in and out of Puerto Galera

There is an outing ticket or pass system in place for shopping and other transportation. Permission to travel outside of Puerto Galera is granted in the form of a “Travel Pass” to those who need medical, financial matters, and some services that cannot be handled by the municipalities within Puerto Galera. In addition, people under 20, over 60, and those with high health risks are required to stay at home at all times except in an emergency.

It seems that individual rules remain in place for even smaller areas, such as Sabang, Santo Nino neighborhood, and White Beach.

For example, “If you want to go from Sabang Beach to the supermarket near Santo Nino, you can now go any time without specifying the day of the week if you get a permit.” But, “You’re only allowed in the market inside Sabang two days a week.” and so on.

It is expected that this area will be changed and maintained from time to time.

Industries permitted to during GCQ

The minimum living industry will be operated.

Agriculture, fishing, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, supermarkets and markets, restaurants and coffee shops (take-out and delivery only), financial institutions such as banks, hairdressers, construction companies, funeral parlors, administrative agencies such as legal and accounting, public transport (cars, jeepneys, tricycles), etc.

Industries not permitted to during GCQ

The gyms, schools, and entertainment businesses are still having difficulty.

Massage, KTV, sports gym, billiards, internet cafe, travel agency, school (can be reopened with IATF-EID permission), casino, diving resort, etc.

Public Transportation

No one who is not wearing a mask will be allowed to ride all public transportation. Tricycle is limited to one passenger only. And, cars and jeepneys will be allowed from Puerto Galera to Calapan City with less than 50 percent ridership. “Don’t dare raise prices.” they says.

Mass Gatherings

Concerts, shows, festivals, workshops, conferences with many people, religious activities, leisure activities, etc. According to the government’s GCQ, about 10 people is acceptable, but there may be different restrictions depending on the municipality.


Walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, etc. seem to be OK as long as you wear a mask and observe social distance. But, it’s not allowed to jockey in Sabang for now by infomation of my friends.

Drinking alcohol

You can’t drink outdoors, but if you’re quietly drinking at home, it’s OK! It looks like the restrictions on purchasing will gradually be loosened based on the day and time of day of the week for sales. Some supermarkets and retail stores have already started hitting the shelves, by info of my friends.


You will not be allowed to leave after 8:00 p.m. You must stay home from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

Last week there was a flurry of announcements and changes to community quarantine in the Philippines, but if I read the Puerto Galera policy this time around, I get the impression that regulations are slowly loosening, including the lifting of the ban on alcohol. The normal travel has a long way to go, but it was an announcement about Puerto Galera’s guidelines.

See more articles in English



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